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🆕    Authentic Italian pasta |⏱ Products without engraving are shipped within the next day

Sustainability is a big theme and in fact at the very heart of what we do, so whatever product you get your hands on, you can be assured that it contains sustainably grown Kampot pepper. Moreover, it is always sustainably processed. What do we mean by this in our case?

Environmental friendliness

Each peppercorn from .pepper..field has bathed in the rays of the Cambodian sun, soaked up the moisture of the Kampot forests and, when it was ready to be harvested, was taken into the hands of a farmer who grew it in the same way as generations of farmers before him. That is to say, without any chemical fertilisers or pest sprays - grown in a completely sustainable way, after which the environment in which it grows is in no way devastated, the soil is not degraded and the water contaminated, no rainforests are cut down and no greenhouse gases are released into the air.

We follow this same natural way of growing pepper in Prague. We try to pack all the peppercorns in packaging that is easily degradable or recyclable, so we can close the loop. Ideally, you use our beautiful packaging over and over again for any number of domestic uses. That's why we work mostly with glass and wood. 

Recyclable packaging and natural materials

Unfortunately, we still pack some of our products in plastic bags, which is mainly because there are not many alternatives on the market yet that meet the strict hygiene criteria and our demands for keeping the pepper as fresh as possible. However, we try to choose from the available options the one that puts the least burden on the environment and is fully recyclable and reusable. As an alternative, you can also choose bags from us that are fully compostable - so if you know the magic of composting, this is our most eco-friendly option. At the same time, by buying quality pepper, you only need a pinch each time and your food is seasoned to perfection - the smaller the quantity, the less packaging material used!

100% fair cooperation and fair price redemption

The last sustainable way we love so much is the whole essence of our project, which is based on fair trade, direct trade and aid. We are always trying to teach, educate and help our smallest farmers with all the processes so that they can always sell their Kampot pepper at a fair price, even if we are not helping them.

This is our path to sustainability, which we try to pass on to our customers.

"Extremely unique product with a great drive behind them. Awesome product and customer service. Perfect for a gift to impress your in-laws, boss or clients."

L. Marie

"First time I tasted Kampot pepper on our vacation in Cambodia, it was phenomenal! I am ordering the Kampot pepper from Amazon ever since. Now when I have an option to order from the smallest farmers, I can have great feeling whenever I open the pack as a bonus to the best taste."

Tim Anderson

"Got the pepper, it is very unique. I found it had more flavor and the aroma was wonderful. The pepper came in a small well sealed package. The ground pepper was a little spicier than regular black pepper, but not too spicy. I think it was most likely just fresher and delivered in better condition."

Chad Whitney
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